Saturday, 8 June 2013

the best offer (2013)

i wish that someone had recommended me this movie so i could now go back to them and make them compensate me for the two hours i just wasted on this movie. this review will contain spoilers, because i want to spare you from suffering through this film. 

'the best offer' is an ambitious movie that attempts to cover all the bases: romance, drama, thriller and crime. geoffrey rush plays virgil oldman, a distinguished auction-house proprietor who lives a luxurious but lonely life. one day, he meets claire, an eccentric shut-in heiress and they fall in love. although the first thirty minutes or so shows some promise, the forced love story and the rest of the scenes following are about as engaging as watching a tape rewind. the relationship between mr. oldman and claire was forced to say the least, as they mostly were shouting at each other from one side of a wall and mr. oldman invading her personal boundaries. 

mediocre plot and acting aside, the characters were so terribly written that even an experienced actor like geoffrey rush couldn't salvage it. it's never made clear why claire and crew decided to go through with scamming mr. oldman, or why mr. oldman was made the target of their scam. it's not a huge leap to assume that it was money they were after, but after spending so much time on the con the audience deserves some kind of explanation. the ending is rather abrupt and offers nothing for the viewer except frustration.

i'm going to have a hard time trusting IMDB after watching this movie since a bunch of reviewers left 7.6/10 stars on this movie. were we even watching the same thing?? 

1 comment:

  1. You have to be pretty dumb to not understand that the plot to con Oldman was by his friend Billy, because oldman didn't apreciated his art, always degraded him and only cared about his paintings.
