Thursday, 6 June 2013

stoker (2013)

i finally had the chance to watch 'stoker', a movie i had been looking forward to for a good part of the year now. when i heard that park chan wook was going to be working with mia wasikowska, one of my favorite actresses, i could hardly wait for its release. i couldn't tell you the last time i had waited this long for a movie to be honest. i missed it in theaters since it was only screening for a week when i had exams and papers due. i had to stop myself from reading too many reviews about it and watching the trailer too many times and getting my expectations too high.

park chan wook, best known for his fantastically brutal films 'oldboy' and 'thirst', makes his american directorial debut with 'stoker'. i don't know what i like about this movie more: the direct, mia wasikowska, the cinematography or the soundtrack. if you've watched either 'oldboy' or 'thirst', you know that 'stoker' takes a very different, much more subtle approach to some of park's favorite themes.

i won't go too much into the plot of the movie, only to say that it follows the events which unfold after india stoker's father dies in a car accident. if you do plan on watching the movie, i recommend avoiding looking up any more reviews or trailers. as any movie, it's best when watched without having too many expectations.

i've read some reviews complaining that the story was too predictable or dull. while the plot wasn't entirely groundbreaking, it was a delight watching the events slowly unfold. the ending didn't offer as many answers to exactly who or what india stoker exactly was, and some elements of the story felt as if they weren't explored to their full potential.

however, these are small shortcomings, more than made up for by the superb acting and cinematography. delightfully unsettling and suspenseful, 'stoker' is one movie i am likely not to forget about any time soon.


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